My name is Mohsen Memaran. Previous System Engineer and eager to Data and Product Management.

After graduation in Space Engineering, I joined the System Engineering team in a multidisciplinary project. A project with more than 100 members who were starting to design, built, and test a student satellite. Communication with the customer, catching the needs, coordination between varied engineering (Software, Electrical, Mechanical, etc.) groups, and collaboration with the management team was a part of my daily job. I can entitle it as a cross-functional job, in which you should know a complex system as a whole. You need to have a holistic view of the project or product.

I could particularly define project requirements which was an engineering translation of customer needs (Requirement Management). My Requirement Management included proposing and developing a verification strategy as well. I am talking about strategy because you always have a trade-off between different factors such as technical thoughts, time limitation, financial budget, available experts, etc.

My story

I started my new journey from Polito .