Due to my interest in data analysis and product development, I share some of my projects with you.

Smart Bike Saddle Development

Smart Bike Saddle Development

This is a part of my research and development job that has been done in collaboration with a cycling company and university research center. It is started with an investigation on product life cycle management using new technologies applied in Industry 4.0. Analyzing data from customers is one of the main parts of this work. I demonstrated we could apply digital transformation in the bike saddle development process throughout a road map. It leads to ... read more

Main tools: Python and Microsoft Excel.

Market Data Analysis

I did data analysis related to Marketing, Operations, and Finance domains. It is an effort to use SQL tools to do production and sales assessments, answer necessary questions, and give a ... read more

Main tool: PostgreSQL

Data-Driven Product Management for A Service Platform (Applying Data Analysis in Product Management)

Service Platformt

Thanks to digital technologies used in products more and more, the amount of generated data will rise intensively. As a result, product managers can leverage their data skills and resources to make better decisions, from defining the minimum viable product to iterative design & experimentation. Data could be any type from the market, sales, finance, etc. They bring helpful insight to product managers and ... read more

Main tools: Tableau and PostgreSQL.

Data Visualization and Dashboarding

Through various tools, it could be possible to turn data into business insights. Thus, it helps related stakeholders and decision-makers to get through their business future steps correctly. Following, you can see some of my data visualizations and dashboards implemented in different tools.

First Order and Second Order Regression (Main Tool: Python - Seaborn library)
Countries/Regions Development Indicators (Main Tool: Python - Bokeh library)
Ready Wear and Belling Sales Analysis (Main Tool: Microsoft Power BI)